Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed (or merged) reality devices hold an enormous potential for training and for digital assistance of operators or service technicians. Our MR specialists translate your training or support need into a working holographic experience. Cross-media content and reliable software will put the mix in your reality in record time.


Mixed reality (MR) is similar to augmented reality (AR). Both technologies superimpose multimedia content onto the real world, offering the user training or assistance with graphics, animation, videos, learning modules, etc. But whereas AR needs markers to know what information to superimpose, MR is effectively location-based, without the need for markers. It's called SLAM - simultaneous localisation and mapping.

The mixed reality headset or tablet scans every environment it enters into, and keeps this 3D space in the right perspective as you move. This ensures that virtual objects added to the environment remain correctly tracked and positioned. This opens up a world of possibilities for location-aware trainee or operator guidance, interactive help and call-out of information, based on the real environment. The system can initiate visual interactions with remote trainers or subject matter experts, with technical information repositories, with animated “how-to’s”... the possibilities are limitless.

Learn24 MR holographic content
Learn24 MR production line


Mixed reality offers a great potential for Industry 4.0 applications. Visualising digital twins, calling out parameters and measurements from all sorts of IoT devices, sensors, actuators, cameras, comparing with historical data, etc.

From all these inputs, MR headsets can assist the trainee or operator in many ways: making decisions based on real-time data, navigating through troubleshooting trees, following procedures step by step, superimposing data or drawings onto the real world, ... When connected to a remote specialist, both parties can "share the reality" in a video call that allows whiteboard functions and other conversational tools.


As an early-day developer of SLAM based mixed reality applications, we offer the one-stop-shop approach to MR reality projects. Every aspect of the content production is done in-house - including video sequences, graphics and animations, quizzes and exercises, software development, integration with web services or with existing factory systems.

Because MR is a quickly evolving technology, headsets and tablets are very evolutionary, so it is important to develop applications and content that can survive the transition to new devices without having to start over. We therefore use a development platform that is device-agnostic until the publishing step. This ensures that your investment in the applications is future proof.

Learn24 hololens development services